Telecom Industry
Telecommunications companies are emerging leaders in the IoT space, ramping up investments at an exponential pace. IoT presents new opportunities to maintain a complete customer view and increase customer satisfaction. Analytic methods have emerged specific towards crunching the mountains of data that the multiple devices are collecting.
Relationship Marketing is a core component to every telecommunication company. Personalization strategy are critical in to remain relevant and competitive. Syntelli has developed the Test and Learn Analytics for Marketing solution to aid marketing departments to maximize their marketing assets. The Syntelli solution blends together three analytic marketing deployment testing methods into a single solution, where each process fits a specific marketing deployment design.
Google Analytics is undoubtedly the golden standard in today’s world for web analytics reporting; providing a wealth of useful information. However, where it lacks is the ability to report on the “why”, “how” and “what’s next?” aspects of your business.
To prosper and grow you must be able to understand the past, predict the future both short and long term, and react accordingly. This specific need is what has inspired Syntelli Solutions to develop a solution to augment the insights coming from Google Analytics.
Download [E-Book] Google Analytics Machine Learning Enrichment
Syntelli has developed a Voice of the Consumer solution which uses the textual data information, including voice-to-text, as a primary source of signal. We quantity the data by taxonomy and sentiment dimensions for use in exercises to optimize call routing processes, predict disposition codes and identify trends in product quality measures.
Syntelli applies analytic methods to detect fraud which incorporates four deep learning methods to continually find emerging patterns.