Manufacturing CASE STUDIES
The Power of Omni-Channel Marketing
[CUSTOMER] The world’s 2nd largest manufacturer of home appliances
[BUSINESS NEED] The need for better, more informed knowledge to enrich customer communiations & marketing efforts.
The company faced a challenge in mapping the consumer experience to identify behaviors that occur at targeted points, develop insights in order to positively influence the process and drive consumer behaviors.
Improving Load Speed & Performance with TIBCO Spotfire
[CUSTOMER] An international manufacturer & designer of lenses
[BUSINESS NEED] Improving the performance of the database server
The company held 22 Whip and Ship Reports in Spotfire, which hit the database all at once every 2 hours, bringing down the database server. The database holding the reports being a Transactional Database, brought down the data server due to multiple transactions, each time the reports were called. This scenario caused an outage in production, on multiple occasions.
Marketing Mix Modeling to Optimize Marketing Spend
[CUSTOMER] A global tool manufacturer
[BUSINESS NEED] Linking revenue results to marketing efforts
- Understanding Advertising Effectiveness, Media Efficiency, Marketing Mix and Channel-to-Sales correlation using data from multiple data sources.
- Optimizing marketing spending across channels and product lines using the insights from data science models.
View a list of our Manufacturing Solutions
Product Data Harmonization, Cleansing & Categorization
[CUSTOMER] A dental equipment manufacturer
[BUSINESS NEED] Defining core components of their digital journey
The company needed to make a significant push in defining and developing core components of their Digital Journey. Their Digital Transformation program comprising of direct e-commerce, digital marketing, and customer analytics, required additional initiatives to be launched to tackle customer and product data harmonization.
Propensity Modeling
[CUSTOMER] The world’s 2nd largest manufacturer of home appliances
[BUSINESS NEED] Predicting a customer’s propensity to make a purchase
Marketing managers are often interested in and challenged with measuring the effectiveness of their website on current and prospective customers. Does the current version of their website provide a platform necessary for customers to browse all the products offered, compare information about the different products to then ultimately lead a customer to make a purchase?
A Single Version of Truth Database
[CUSTOMER] A Global Tool Manufacturer
[BUSINESS NEED] Consistency across departments in reporting numbers for the same accounts
Each department was reporting different numbers for the same accounts; there was no single version of truth. The client needed help establishing where the data flow and workflow issues were occurring, and also needed a plan they could implement across multiple use cases.