How To Predict the Henry Hub Spot Price

How To Predict the Henry Hub Spot Price

The Henry Hub spot price is used as a benchmark for the spot (current) price of gas in the United States. Its value depends on the relationships of several variables. If you search Google for “Henry Hub spot price,” you’ll find many research papers from universities...

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The Value of Big Data Analytics in the Oilfield

The Value of Big Data Analytics in the Oilfield

When most people hear “big data,” they think “big money.” And they’re right. There are big costs associated with switching to a distributed data analytics system, especially in the oilfield. It’s not unusual for operators to collect and mine data from new discoveries...

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Spotfire User Experience Design Tips [VIDEO]

Spotfire User Experience Design Tips [VIDEO]

When it comes to data visualizations, effective user experience design is one of the key elements in making the information easier to understand. Good data visualization design can reduce cognitive load on the user, facilitate with problem solving, and help with...

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